Your local newspaper for Bethnal Green

Bethnal Green LDN is an online community newspaper for Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets, in East London. We cover news, culture and what's on in Bethnal Green, Brick Lane, Columbia Road Market and Cambridge Heath Road.

Sign up for our free weekly newsletter and be the first to know about the latest local news and events and read stories about social activism and the diverse culture and heritage of our local neighbourhood, from boxing and street markets to a flourishing queer community.

Your community newspaper for Bethnal Green, London

Bethnal Green LDN is a local community newspaper for Bethnal Green in East London. We bring you the best-kept secrets about your neighbourhood from what’s on to places to visit. Discover the best shops, restaurants, bars, coffee places and local attractions in Bethnal Green, Cambridge Heath Road, Columbia Flower Market, Brick Lane and Hackney Road. Be the first to know about things to do locally, from events and exhibitions to courses and workshops. And discover the rich culture and heritage of our local neighbourhood.

Whitechapel Market operates on Monday to Saturday from about 9 am to 5 pm.  Find more information on opening times and how to get to Bethnal Green.