
Becky Frances captures Bethnal Green in photos

Photographer Becky Frances captures beautiful and bizarre sights of Bethnal Green in her work.

Street photographer Becky Frances has travelled around London capturing the capital city through her lens. Bethnal Green is no exception with Becky Frances having snapped every day people who make up our area, from pensioners to hipsters.

Her photos are often busy, whether she has captured a high-street scene, or a marketplace, the backdrops can be almost chaotic. However, Frances’ work often brings the viewer’s eye to one particular subject. These subjects are rarely posed, captured mid-movement in their daily comings and goings.

Looking at the background of each photo, we can deduce something about the subject. For example, the older lady waving down a bus on Bethnal Green Road, makes you feel like she is a native of the high street and perhaps has spent a majority of her life in the area. Part of the joy of Frances’s photography is that the scenery around the subject allows you to construct a story around them.

She has a knack for capturing intriguing characters in her photography. For example, the market trader dressed in fur and the hipsters in their glasses are adorned in distinctive outfits that make them stand out from a crowd.

Frances chooses her subjects carefully, her photos make you want to know more about each character; for example, you might wonder about the couple kissing in front of the graffiti artists, have they just met recently, what brought them to that seemingly random spot?

A woman flagging down a bus on Bethnal Green Road
Image: Becky Frances
A stallholder on Bethnal Green Road
Image: Becky Frances
A woman surrounded by flowers at Columbia Road Market
Image: Becky Frances
Graffiti artists near Shoreditch
Image: Becky Frances
Three hipsters in Bethnal Green
Image: Becky Frances
A woman struggling to carry flowers on Columbia Road
Image: Becky Frances

More of Becky Frances’s street photography can be found on Flickr and Instagram.

If you enjoyed this, check out our Bethnal Green street art photoessay.


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