Image: Women's Inclusive Team
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Bethnal Green charity appealing for volunteers during Ramadan

Women’s Inclusive Team, a Bethnal Green-based charity, is appealing for more volunteers to help with their food bank and kitchen over the busy Ramadan period. 

For observers, Ramadan is a month of reflection and of charity. It is also a time when there is more demand on groups like the Women’s Inclusive Team. For non-observers, the month could also be an opportunity to give something back to our area, and what better way than to volunteer with a local cause helping our neighbours who need it. 

Women’s Inclusive Team (WIT) is appealing for additional volunteers during the Ramadan period when demand can be particularly high for its food bank and kitchen services. Mandip Lally is Volunteer Coordinator at WIT, she says the kitchen can be producing three times the amount of food as normal during the Ramadan month. 

For Muslims, Ramadan is a time of charity and Women’s Inclusive Team delivers extra food to community hubs and care homes in the area that distribute it during this time. The group will still deliver food at their regular times so that it is there for those observing at sunset when they break their fast. 

To help with extra demand WIT needs more volunteers during Ramadan. If you wish to sign up with Women’s Inclusive Team to help vulnerable people in our area, it is really easy, you register your details on WIT’s TimeCounts page. Then once you have done that, the TimeCounts website allows you to sign up for volunteer shifts.

From there you can choose which shifts you want to do. There are different kinds of shifts available, from food preparation to delivery. For those doing deliveries, you would need access to a car or bike. However, apart from that, Mandip says you don’t need any particular skills, just “be willing to chip in”. Reliability is also important, as cancelling at last minute can leave the kitchen and food bank short-staffed. 

You shouldn’t be put off by having to commit lots of time in advance to become a volunteer at WIT, their system means that you can pick up as many or as few shifts as you want. You don’t have to commit to doing the same time every week, as their system means you can chop and change your volunteer shifts to fit around your schedule. 

As for getting there, their Cambridge Heath Road location, which is just around the corner from York Hall, is very central for both Bethnal Green Underground and Cambridge Heath Overground. Mayfield House is less than a five minute walk from both stations. 

Women’s Inclusive Team (WIT) are a non-profit group run by women who supported vulnerable residents in Tower Hamlets. Ramadan, is a time of charity and thinking of others for Muslims, and regardless of your religion or background it could be the perfect time to get involved with WIT, a group helping those who need it in our community.

If you wish to become a volunteer with Women’s Inclusive Team, you can sign up here.


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