Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway briefing officers in Shoreditch following the crossbow attacks (credit: Metropolitan Police)
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Arrested man released over crossbow attacks in Shoreditch

A 47-year-old men was released under investigation after being arrested over the crossbow attacks in Arnold Circus, Shoreditch.

On Sunday, 17 March, Metropolitan Police apprehended a 47-year-old male in connection to the double crossbow attacks that took place last week in Shoreditch, Arnold Circus. He was released on Tuesday under pending investigation, as reported by Sky News.

The man was arrested on Sunday evening, and officers confiscated a knuckle duster and ‘a bottle containing a substance’. Weapons found at his home have been sent for forensic investigation.

At 7.44 pm on March 4, Nazarene Cazley, a 44-year-old woman, was hit in the head with a crossbow on her way home from work. 

Ten days later, at 7.27 pm, the second victim, a 20-year-old male, was also hit in the neck with a crossbow while sitting on a bench in Arnold Circus.

Both victims survived the attacks and have not sustained life-changing injuries, according to multiple reports.

Residents of the Boundary Estate, where many young families live, are ‘spooked’ and afraid to take the usual routes. 

A neighbour, Subera Rabby, told Sky News, ‘I’m frightened for my kids, for myself’. Later, she adds, ‘It could have been any of us’.

The Metropolitan Police has stated that victims are being kept informed of the ongoing investigation.

For more local news, read about the residents campaigning to save the Boundary Estate Community Launderette 


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